Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The First Time (More Like the Third...)

Since August of 2007, my mom, has been trying to get me to blog. I have been resistant. I have the craziest schedule ever and I am just plain, not into writing my thoughts out. So to appease her, I created a blog, but then I just left it there, haven't logged in, hasn't even crossed my mind.....

But one day my bestest friend (koreasanfu) in the whole wide world, suggested I check hers out. I did, and all of a sudden I felt this overwhelming need to blog! Humph, wonder what that is about? Sibling Rivalry?, I'm so sure. So I searched, cause of course by this time I had forgotten what I named it........finally found it, the name was nothing that I remembered, took one look decided that I wasn't going to let my competitive spirit best me and logged out. And yet here I am now two days later.......typing, yes typing, I guess I can't take losing even if there is nothing to win........and no competion really exits.......

Here is my contribution to the world of blogging and I hope I have created the gift that just keeps on giving......