Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seonbi Code

The Seonbi Code

We will work and play as a team.
We will respect all people, their feelings, and their rights.
We will trust our teachers.
We will be honest and do our best.

The festival that the teachers who did get asked to participate, is the Seonbi Festival. Ironic isn't it?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Underneath It ALL

This week is all about accepting me for me and that is all.......

It is very hard to find to someone to accept you for you, despite it ALL; even among family. I find myself feeling regretful.....and that is not at ALL like me

Cancho Day

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Out Here Grindin......

I haven't written anything in such a long time. The blog posts are few and far between, does this mean that I am so much fun that I been to busy to write...NO! LOL. I just haven't but startnig today, I am turning over a new leaf......

For you enjoyment I adding a video that symbolizes what I have been